We are gathered here today by the High Priest of Pop, Prince Rogers Nelson, to celebrate the matrimony of genre-blurring music, the congregation of slightly unkempt curls, and the righteousness of ruffled shirts. But I’m here to tell you there’s something else— an afterworld where groomed goatees and fierce guyliner share the spotlight— Jason Tenner’s Purple Reign Prince Tribute at The Tropicana.
Yes, he’s got the look. From his fearlessly fluid fits to his strikingly sculpted cheekbones, Tenner’s uncanny resemblance to the pint-sized prodigy introduces an element of phenomena to this provocative production.
However, the true twist is two-fold. First, the show stops the clock for comedic skits from Morris Day and The Time and later features a bulletproof bit from Apollonia 6, who showcases the sultry single “Sex Shooter.”
The Artist is the hot thing when it comes to the playlist of handpicked hits and infallible falsetto, however he consistently compliments his star-studded crew. The brilliant band seamlessly transitions from synth heavy songs to funk beats; meanwhile, a cast of scantily clad dancers drift on and off set, sporting raspberry berets, donning little red corsets, and introducing an impressive inventory of sexy showmanship.
Whether it’s a sign o’ the times or a nod to the nostalgia of 1999, this 75-minute powerhouse performance invites audience members to rise to their feet to celebrate the prolific poetry of Prince. There’s no controversy it’s a gold experience, featuring musicology, a catalog of crowd favorites, and the perfect storm of a finale revealing Tenner’s rendition of “Purple Rain.” purplereign.net