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Rage Against the Machines

By Published: October 8, 2023Published: November 4th, 2023Attractions

You’ve watched them on television, but you “ain’t seen nothing yet” until you catch them live on the Las Vegas Strip! Beginning Feb. 3, fans and newcomers alike can experience the intense action and drama that unfolds when robots fight to the death in the new, exclusive-to-Vegas show, BattleBots: Destruct-A-Thon.

The opening of the quick-paced, 80-minute show follows on the heels of the successful, sold-out “BattleBots World Championship” season 7 filming that took place in Sin City. The daily robot rumbles get underway inside the BattleBots Arena at Caesars Entertainment Studios, the latest large-scale production facility in Vegas designed for full-scale television, movie, and eSports productions.

“We know this live show will be an enormous hit. It will feature the most famous fighting robots on the planet, and they’ll be fighting to the death every night,” said Trey Roski, Chief Executive Officer of BattleBots.

Fans have a chance to see their favorite fighting machines—Kraken, HyperShock, Mammoth, and Witch Doctor—as well as new ones built by existing robot combat teams exclusively for the live show. Fights between rookie teams hoping to win their way into the next Battlebots World Championship in Vegas will also compete in some shows.

“This is not a preplanned, rehearsed event,” explained BattleBots co-founder Greg Munson. “All the fights will be real, and no one, not even the drivers, will know what’s going to happen each night. It will be full of shocks, surprises, and carnage.” So prepare for battle, Vegas—it’s time to experience some explosive metal madness.





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